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Practice of Parts Integration for Master Practitioners

As well as practising the complete pattern, there are several areas of practice that will increase your mastery of this pattern.

  • Noticing incongruity and internal conflict
  • Building rapport with the client’s unconscious mind
  • Chunking up


Notice incongruity and internal conflict

Set yourself the task to notice examples of incongruity.  Sometimes it’s really obvious when someone is incongruent, sometimes it’s subtle.  Apply your sensory acuity to detecting examples of half-hearted comments, distracting body language and unusual voice tone patterns.  Build up a catalogue of cues that indicate incongruity and the possibility of parts conflicts.


Building rapport with the client’s unconscious mind

If you’ve studied hypnosis you’ve probably already worked on this.  The keys to working directly with the unconscious are:

  • Recognition/acknowledgement
  • Simple instructions

It can also help if you anchor your communication with the unconscious to a different (usually deeper) voice tone.  In my opinion, John Overdurf is the real master of this.  If you have access to any of his recordings, listen and learn.


Chunking up

Practice chunking up using questions like:

For what purpose?

What is your intention in…?

What is that an example of?’